To develop a musical ear and appreciate music, the school has regular singing. Two pianos are used for this purpose.
Story Telling: Pupils are encouraged to be imaginative and learn values through story telling session. This also helps them to comprehend in English and Hindi
The Learning Centre
Water Play
Strawberry Fields aims at providing education, which instills values, enables students to explore their surroundings and learn through fun and play.Combining the traditional Montessori method with the more interactive participatory approach, the curriculum and methodology is designed to ensure that the child adds value to his growth - each moment, each day."Learning can be fun" translates to factual reality where the child, through music, dramatic play, story telling, group activity, communication, creative and visual imagery and the introduction to the 3 R's develops confidence, self esteem and a 'yearning for learning'. In an informal setting, focus is on play, spontaneity and on an elimination of everything, which could condition or regiment the child's perspective.
The emphasis is on all-round development, which encompasses emotional and social development, gross and fine motor skills, language development and academic skills.Teachers are friend, confidante, guide and counsellor to each of their students. Since class composition is small, interactive communication and personal attention are available to each child. With assistants as back up support and special teachers for music, games and sports, school time is well planned. The sprawling green lawns, a child friendly play area, a splash pool and a library for children make the child's three and a half hours a veritable treat.