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Chandigarh Yog Aarogya

Dewsun India, Sco- 26 Sector- 11 D
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Personal Yoga Service

In this fast world, keeping up one’s balance and working effectively under pressure is what Yoga has helped corporate workers achieved.Yoga  is beautiful as it shows through specific methods like doing simple Yoga Posture with perfection, breathing in the proper way. The techniques of conscious meditation & relaxation has proved to be most popular among corporate. It refreshes them to face the remaining part of the day without fatigue.At the dawn of the third millennium and beginning of 21st century, the modern man has reached to a state where he is on the thresholds of decoding the secrets of origin of life, which hitherto are believed known only to Mother Nature or its superme creator the Almighty God. Thus, while the modern man is trying to achieve supremacy over the complex natural forces on one hand, he has lost much of his mental and spiritual peace along with his physical and physiological health. It was only till few decades back that the modern philosophers, physicians, and bio-scientist strongly believed that most of the human physiological disorders and diseases are either due to some physiological,The Indian philosophy has taught us that the evolution of human life moves through its physical, social, economical and spiritual well being towards the ultimate end Accordingly, the concept of Dharma, Arth, Kama, Mokshya were understood.


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About Chandigarh Yog Aarogya

Prabhajan Tiwari
Dewsun India, Sco- 26 Sector- 11 D

Chandigarh Yog Aarogya 
Yog + Aarogya (Means a sum of complete health). Achievement of Aarogya with the help of Yoga & other such alternative therapies without any side effect.