Yoga is a system of exercises that encourages the union of mind, body and soul. The author of Yoga Sutras – “Patanjali” defines that; ‘Yoga is the ability to focus our mind on a single point without distraction’. Yoga is a physical discipline to develop self-awareness & mental clarity. Meditation: Meditation is a spiritual approach that induces calmness in our mind, body and soul. We can feel the inner peace, happiness and strong intuitions through the vibrant waves that evolve from our mind & soul. Meditation broadens the periphery of the energy shield (Aura) with positive forces that surrounds us. It not only helps the body to restore & repair itself, but it also prevents from further indemnity due to stress. We Cure
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Yoga practice provides many physical and mental benefits, offering improved circulation, flexibility, respiration, energy, and more. While all exercise offers physical benefits, yoga is unique. Not only does it provide preventative mental and physical benefits, but it also teaches breath awareness—called —along with a variety of breathing techniques to help you maintain energy, strength, and relieve stress. Experts have long publicized the advantages of yoga for your mind and body, and there are many great reasons yoga has become so popular for maintaining physical and mental wellbeing.Finally, Surdam says, “Yoga can boost self-confidence, help us feel accomplished, and help us feel better physically. Mentally, it can make us feel like we have a sense of empowerment and mastery. It can also help us feel in control of ourselves.” When you’re empowered and stable, you’re less likely to participate in destructive habits., a certified fitness expert and yoga instructor, reminds us of the vital balance yoga provides to our busy lives. “The deep breathing, concentration and physical movements of a yoga class really help me to clear my head and feel more centered. I feel like I’m ready to calmly tackle anything that lies ahead after my regular yoga practice.” Consistent yoga practice provides the physical and mental equilibrium required for a balanced, healthy existence, no matter what life brings.